Self Care in the time of Self Quarantine | Covid-19 Awareness

Mental and Physical health is an important part of overall wellness. For many, especially those who aren’t well acquainted with the process of working from home, the last few days haven’t been easy. It tends to get overwhelming for many, especially those who are used to the process of regular social interactions.

With an overload of information related to #Covid19 being shared everywhere, we often ignore the importance of small joys. In times like these, there is a need to focus on the importance of Self Care and filling our life with some positivity. So, while we #SelfQuarantine, how about we try and do the following:

Learn something new
Take up an online course, experiment with a new dish in the kitchen, learn that dance form by watching online tutorials, play with paints or just learn a new language. With digital courses and tutorials available across platforms, learning doesn't have to be confined to four walls and a blackboard alone.

Make time for our hobbies
Stocked up on new books in the past few months, but never got the chance to read? Or, is the guitar in your room pushed to a faraway corner, where dust often greets it more than you do? This can be the perfect time to live your passion and discover the small joys attached to it. We all have a hobby (or more) we love, which perhaps, had to be pushed in the back-burner due to various reasons, including the everyday work routine. 

Practice home workouts 
Sulking because the gyms are closed, and there isn't anything that can be done? Well, if you have the motivation to stay fit, even while at home, then nothing can stop you. There are so many Apps (like Nike Training Club, Sweat) & even routines being shared by fitness experts (I personally love the routines shared by Cassey Ho of Blogilates). All you need is a workout mat, a bottle of water, and some energy to get going. 

Be mindful to support your immune system 
Eat healthy, practice breathing exercises, maintain hygiene, take a hot water bucket bath or start your day with a glass full of warm water with lemon; there are many ways in which you can ensure your immune system stays strong. Avoid binging on junk, while binge watching your favourite series, and do not touch your face to pop that pimple. Ensure you wash your hands from time to time!

Take healthy breaks from news 
Constant sharing of updates & news tends to take a negative toll. Being indoors and change in routine is enough. You definitely don't want negativity to affect your mental health. Look at the positive side of life a little more often, and restrict the time spent on reading updates. Perhaps, you can reserve 30 mins - 60 mins, anytime during the day, solely for reading newspapers and catching up on all the world news.

Encourage quick breaks in between work 
I won't deny - I am guilty of spending hours behind the laptop, working round the clock, even to the extent of forgetting my lunch. However, with more hours being spent indoors and absolutely no travel whatsoever, it's important that you take short breaks to refresh. Take a walk around the house, drink some water, stretch yourself, step out in the balcony to soak in some sunshine or just take a power nap (if you can master it - well done. Because I simply cannot). 

Hydrate yourself from time to time
Well, this is a no-brainer. You need to stay hydrated, and ensure you get enough daily intake of water. You can also include fresh fruit juices, buttermilk and other items. 

It's time to re-connect 
 How about calling your old friends and reliving some precious memories? Or, a video call to tell your bae how much you love him / her? Perhaps, play a virtual game with friends or just challenge each other to watch the same film. Or, just enjoy some good ol' conversations with the family. This could be a good time to relax, unwind and create a stronger bond with those who matter.

Be Kind!
Spread positivity & be kind to those around you. Encourage paid leaves for your domestic help, discuss the matter with your society secretaries to extend paid leaves to the sweeper, cleaner or other daily workers, who extend their services to you everyday. Generously tip those who deliver food and other items to your doorstep. Extend your gratitude to all those who have been endlessly working throughout the time of crisis - including emergency service staff, medical staff, army, government officials among others. It's time we give back to the society, be responsible, kind, and stay united. Remember - gratitude attracts positive vibes!

Spend time with your Pets
This is an amazing time to play, be goofy and crazy with your pets. Spending adequate time with your pets can be the most amazing feeling ever, as their love is pure and unmatchable. And no, they cannot carry the Covid-19 virus. Please educate yourself before abandoning pets, and be aware that as per WHO - animals cannot be infected with this viral disease. 

Let’s be responsible and respect regulations for a better tomorrow. All this, while ensuring that we look after ourselves and encourage Self Care! Stay safe, everyone. 

How are you taking time off during this period of self quarantine? Join the conversation by commenting below or on

The Dancebee


  1. That's really helpful.. Its much needed read

  2. Beautifully captured all that we need to do during these difficult times! Stay safe, stay strong!


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