2020 vision
Best of 2019
Editor's Note
Happy New Year
New Year's Eve
Positive Thoughts
Positive Thoughts 2020
Priya Adivarekar
Best of 2019 | Cheers to the Year that Was - Editor's Note
Best of 2019 | Cheers to the Year that Was - Editor's Note
As we get ready to welcome a brand new year, it's that time when we look back and reflect at those 365 days of the year gone by. Days when we discovered ourselves. Our strengths and weaknesses. Days when we learnt to let go, and those when we loved ourselves even more. Every year brings in a plethora of things - surprises, highs, achievements, lows, discoveries, excitement, nervousness and more. 2019 was no different! Yet, it was different in more ways than one for every individual, including me.

In 2019, personally, I experienced a multitude of emotions and discovered many sides to my personality. Learned a lot, and also learned to let go of certain flaws. Made new friends, and further learned to prioritise those who matter. Broke off ties with people possessing negative energy. Understood why quality time with loved ones is never enough, and prioritised their needs to the fullest. Further, bettered myself at multi-tasking and managing the work-life balance. Learned to love myself for all that I am. Discovered 'patience' in an all new light.
Encouraged positive thoughts and decided to make it an everyday habit, because the world can definitely do with more positivity. Understood that there might be days when you feel empty and hit a low. When nothing seems to work in the right direction. On those days, I realised the importance of taking time out for self care and indulging in things that I loved. Pushed myself to ensure I am always there to make my parents smile and feel happy from within. Continued my quest to take fitness more and more seriously, especially by learning new techniques and variations. Danced my heart out at some occasions, and promised myself to do more of it in the year to come.
Encouraged positive thoughts and decided to make it an everyday habit, because the world can definitely do with more positivity. Understood that there might be days when you feel empty and hit a low. When nothing seems to work in the right direction. On those days, I realised the importance of taking time out for self care and indulging in things that I loved. Pushed myself to ensure I am always there to make my parents smile and feel happy from within. Continued my quest to take fitness more and more seriously, especially by learning new techniques and variations. Danced my heart out at some occasions, and promised myself to do more of it in the year to come.
In 2019, I tried my hand at new things, and realised why learning makes me truly happy from within. I challenged myself against the fear of Math and didn't stop till I emerged victorious. Experienced days when I stumbled, faced hurdles and even cried myself to sleep; only to wake up with the clear thought of turning the tide on a new day. I took time out to travel with my loved ones. Discovered new places that this beautiful world has to offer. Interacted with people, including those I've always been in awe of, and took back perils of wisdom that stayed with me. Got various opportunities to engage with people across different age groups, encouraging them to follow their dreams and give themselves a chance to become familiar with all that the digital world has to offer.
Lived new characters on-screen and learned something new from each role. Understood why not just achievements, but also being thankful for every little joyous moment on a rather normal day matters too. Why having gratitude for all that I have been bestowed upon is extremely important. Moreover, the year taught me how to love, it's true meaning, and gave me the chance to experience the true beauty of 'romance' like never before, and that too, beyond the filters of what Bollywood has taught us all these years (yeah well, this was a first for me)!
As the year comes to a close, I thank god for everything! For the people in my life, the opportunities, projects, achievements, honours, interactions, the ever growing digital family and for every moment that made me smile. I am also thankful for the moments where I experienced a range of emotions - be it anger, sadness or fear; because they taught me to become stronger than ever. I truly believe - the universe conspires when you really wish for something! And so in 2020, which I strongly feel would be a landmark year, I pray we all are blessed with happiness, luck and lots of love around us. May we continue to work hard towards our goals, and witness dreams turning into a reality.
In the brand new year, I promise to learn, grow, master, absorb and discover more. To travel a lot more, love a lot more, spread positivity even more, and make everyday special for those who matter. And yes, it's gonna be a year full of creating tons of new content and experimenting with exciting, fresh things on the website, because the new year is all about new goals. It's time to dream on!
Thank you for making me a better person, 2019! You will always be special.
And, cheers to what I truly believe shall be a beautiful, exciting and enriching year.
Here's looking at you, 2020!!
Here's looking at you, 2020!!
The Dancebee
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